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intimate & classic

Casey Maternity shoot
Motherhood shoot
Maternity photoshoot
motherhood photoshoot
maternity photos


Soon to be Mums...

I get it, you can barely put your shoes on, you need to pee every second, and the last thing you feel like doing is getting most of your gear off and having photos taken! But please trust me on this, you will regret not taking these photos! My children also really love looking at photos of them in my tummy! Especially my daughter! And I get it, my Mum didn’t take many photos when she was pregnant with me, and the ones I do have, I really cherish! It's kind of emotional looking at photos of you inside your Mum knowing you were swimming around in there oblivious to all that was about to unfold!


Busy already Mums...

Let's be honest Mums, when do we really get in the photos with our kids? Well, if you're anything like me, you're most likely the one always taking the photo! Or shying away from the camera saying, no, just the kids! But have you thought about how important it is to them, for you to exist in photos with them? Photos of them may be precious to you, but for them, photos of you are even more precious! So be prepared to kiss, cuddle, smooch, laugh, and just be in the moment with your kids and allow me to capture it! These will be the images that over the years to come, will bring tears to your eyes! These will be the images that you will be so glad you captured and existed in! 


I want these photos to be intimate in the sense that they aren’t too posed or formal! That they capture a bond and emotion between you and your soon to be/babies, rather than just people. 


I have done my absolute best to keep these shoots quick and simple and not cost a small fortune. Because for me, these photos are something that every mother should have and there are some things in life more important than money!


My motherhood shoots start at $450 for the shoot and 15 images 


However, I do require them to be done on a weekday (after school is great). Otherwise, I do offer a weekend time slot, however, there will be an additional fee of $50. 


You can purchase additional images or upgrade to my all inclusive package, but send me an email for all the details. 


I know that most mothers don’t want to spend the money on a maternity shoot as they would rather put it into newborn photos and I get that! So I have tried to keep the cost as minimal as possible, so you can hopefully do both!


My Maternity shoots start at $450 for the shoot and 10 images.


You can upgrade to my all-inclusive package, where you will get all the photos from the shoot! Just get in touch and I will send you my package PDF.  


I have not included hair and makeup in the package, but it can be added for $120. 


Please get in touch for more details on my packages. 


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